Black Voices Matter

2021-06-27 | 04:06h
2021-06-26 | 20:55h
Black Voices Matter

Published date June 26, 2021

Last modified date June 26, 2021

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I hope black Americans are paying attention and listening to how the Democrats are exploiting them to further their bogus racism agenda. I’m certainly not suggesting that racism doesn’t exist in America. But, every white conservative person is not racist. Black Americans need to understand what’s happening and they need to speak up before the Democrats do irreconcilable damage. Black lives matter. But, Black voices matter too.

Critical Race Theory

We have come so far with race relations since the days of Martin Luther King. A lot of his dreams have been realized over the years. Critical Race Theory blows up Dr. King’s dreams and sets us back hundreds of years. Essentially, our children learn that white people are like slave owners oppressing black people. And, black people are like slaves being oppressed by white people.

Race relations in America is being reset by the Democrats, and we’ll have to start all over again. That’s not what I want. And, I hope it’s not what black Americans want. Black voices matter greatly in the fight against critical race theory. If you speak out against it, the Democrats will listen to you because the one thing they fear the most is that black Americans won’t vote for them in upcoming elections.

Election Integrity

The Democrats have established that black Americans don’t know how to get identification, don’t know how to show identification and don’t know how to vote in person. But, please keep in mind that they are using you to forward their agenda for open voting with no checks and balances. You’re just the pawns to get their way.

I know a lot of black Americans, and they are totally insulted by this. The Democrats are doing exactly what they accuse Republicans of doing. They claim that having election checks and balances is racist because it oppresses the black vote. But, everything I read about the recent election reforms seems to make it easier on people to vote. And, a recent poll showed that 69% of black Americans support voter identification.

It’s time to let the Democrats know that you are capable of obtaining identification and voting. And, to stop insulting you. And, tell Stacey Abrams to stop speaking on your behalf. She’s not helping you.

City Violence

Violence in our cities is at an all time high. The homicide rate in 34 cities was 30% higher in 2020 compared to 2019. At least 8,600 black lives were lost to homicide in 2020. That’s about 1,000 more than in 2019. These crimes are concentrated in primarily low-income, marginalized black communities where the police are under-resourced and Democratic leadership has been a failure for years.

The Democrats want you to kill each other. And, they want to abort all of your babies. That’s how they want to control the population for their environment agenda. Just think about it. Why isn’t Lori Lightfoot doing something about the violence in Chicago? That’s because she is working with the Democrat elitists in Washington.

The black communities need to take action to stop the violence. Black voices must speak up to the communities and educate them to make informed decisions when voting. For example, Kimberly Klacik ran for the House of Representatives in 2020 to represent a district in Baltimore. Her platform was all about cleaning up the low income areas. She lost to a Democrat. And, I can’t figure out why that happened. It makes no sense.

Black Lives Matter

Start peeling back this banana, and you’ll find some disgusting truths. Black Lives Matter cares when a black man is killed by a white police officer, regardless of the circumstances. But, they don’t care about the thousands of other black Americans killed in our cities almost daily.

In my opinion, Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorism group like Antifa. They only seem to surface when rioting and looting are happening. Based on recent reports about their leaders, they are in this for money. One of the leaders purchased a multi-million dollar home in a predominantly white neighborhood, while a lot of black Americans continue to live in poverty. Does that sound like an organization that represents your best interests?

Speak up against Black Lives Matter, and encourage them to represent the loss of any black life, including the aborted babies.

So Called Leaders

Black Americans need to carefully choose the leaders they follow. Lebron James claims to be in your corner, but he makes millions of dollars and lives in luxury. Colin Kaepernick has made a living claiming to support you. And, he also makes millions of dollars. All these guys do is use you for their own gain. Lebron says stupid things that don’t do you any good. In fact, he further divides you from the rest of the country.

How about Maxine Waters? Do you want her representing your interests? She pretends to be on your side, but she never does anything to help you. And, what did Kamala Harris ever do for you in California? President Biden pretends to stand up for you, but he has a long history of racist comments and incarcerating you for petty crimes.

Speak up and find people who truly care about you. Elect people who want to improve your condition. Stay away from these fake leaders who want to use you for their own gain and to further divide us.


Most black Americans are smart people. But, the Democrats are using them in a political game. Don’t permit President Biden and the Democrats to tell you things like you don’t know how to get an accountant, you don’t know how to get a driver identification and if you have a problem knowing who to vote for, then you ain’t black. The Democrats demean you all the time, and you can’t let that continue to happen.

The Republicans aren’t perfect, but they respect you as fellow Americans. They welcome you without any political motivation. President Trump did more for your communities, liberties and freedoms than any president in my lifetime. He provided you with opportunity instead of using you for political gain.

It’s time to speak up to your fellow black Americans and rally around being more than your skin color. You are welcome at our table and we support you as we would any other American patriot. Let’s live in harmony instead of divisiveness.

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