Biden’s Grin Says It All

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When asked about Trump’s conviction, Biden turned toward the press and grinned like a boy who just stole a cookie from the cookie jar. It proves to me that Biden is behind the whole thing. Biden’s grin says it all. There is no question now about what went down.

No President

Biden's grin says it all!

Biden is no president and never will be. He is an embarrassment. There is nothing presidential about him. He acts like a three year old. And, he’s quick to tell us that Trump is a juvenile. I loathe Biden. I never liked him, but now I hate him. And, I will do everything I can to make sure he loses in November.

But, here’s the thing. I don’t believe he will be the Democrat candidate in November. Nothing Biden is doing makes sense to me when it’s an election year. He will continue to destroy the country until the end of his term. And, the Democrats will pull a rabbit out of their hat in August in hopes of defeating Trump. Biden will never beat Trump if he can’t cheat. And, the eyes of the world are on this election.

If I Could

I would like to wipe that grin right off of his face. Just who does he think he is? I have had enough of him scolding us for not getting vaccinated, calling us domestic terrorists and more. And, this isn’t the first time he’s done the evil, satanic grin.


As I stated, Biden’s grin says it all about his involvement in the sham conviction of Trump. Biden just blew up our country so he can call Trump a “convicted felon” in the upcoming debate. What Biden doesn’t know is that he also just blew up his campaign too. Flocks of Democrat voters are pledging to vote for Trump. And, the stalwart groups who support Democrats, like Hollywood, are turning on Biden.

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