Biden is Killing the Cats

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My cat loves to play footsie with me

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have an old Maine Coon cat. She’s been having some trouble digesting her dry cat food, so we decided to give her wet food more regularly. So, I went to different grocery stores to buy her wet food. In every instance, the cat food shelves were almost completely bare. Of course, the first thing that popped into my mind is “Biden is killing the cats.”

A Dog Guy

As we’ve been told ad nauseum, Biden is a dog guy. So he likens dogs to Democrats. And of course, he sees cats as Republicans. And, cats must be punished for being smarter than dogs. Cats are self-sufficient while dogs are dependent. Democrats want everybody to be dependent on them for everything, so independent cats must be eliminated. I call this the “January 6th effect.”

Coronavirus Cats

It is said that cats can get coronavirus. And, I know that most cats have not been vaccinated. Surprisingly, Biden has not yet mandated that cats get vaccinated. But believe me, he is quite irritated that they won’t get vaccinated. So instead, he has decided to eliminate the cats by starvation. You know, this is a virus of the unvaccinated cats.

For the People

So, here’s another theory. If Biden continues to drive up the cost of food, people will be looking for cheap alternatives. Maybe the people will consider eating cat food. But, Biden has nipped this in the bud right out of the gates. It will be Democrat dog food or nothing for you.

Maybe It’s Not the Supply Chain

My first thought was that the missing cat food is a supply chain issue. But, I’m more convinced that Biden’s Democrat cronies are buying up the cat food and selling it on the black market at exorbitant prices. The little bit that is in the stores are crappy brands that won’t sell on the market. Maybe this is why Biden insists that his Build Back Better bill will pay for itself.

Great Reset

The Great Reset idiots want everybody to be slaves who own nothing and are happy about it. Maybe they don’t want us to own cats. So, they want to kill the cats so people won’t own them. Just a final thought to chew on (pun intended).

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