Beware the Snake Oil

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I believe every person should make their own personal choice about getting the Covid vaccine. The biggest deterrent for me is how aggressively the vaccine is being pushed by the government, the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical companies. The thing that keeps coming to my mind is “beware the snake oil.”

Snake Oil

Snake oil salespeople would try anything to make a sale

I’m not comparing the vaccine to snake oil because I don’t believe the vaccine is a fraud. But, I am comparing the technique used to sell snake oil in the old days to the technique used to push the vaccine. A “snake oil salesman” did everything possible to convince you to buy the oil, including telling lies and faking a success. The trick was to make you believe you had to have it or you would continue to have health problems.

I feel like the Covid vaccine push is very similar. Dr. Fauci, the Biden Administration, the blue state governors and some medical professionals on mainstream media are pushing that everybody get vaccinated. But, nobody is citing any scientific evidence that everybody needs to get vaccinated. Actually, they keep setting these goals like 70% of the population vaccinated by July 4th. It makes me very hesitant when I’m told to do something just so some arbitrary goal can be met.

Nothing is Free

One of the things I taught my kids is that “nothing is free.” In other words, if the government is offering you free education, you will still end up paying for the education in taxes. So, I taught them to beware when something is offered for free.

That same concept goes for the Covid vaccine. If you’re telling me that I desperately need this vaccine, and it is free. Then why is it free? Either somebody is getting paid for the vaccine or their is some other benefit along the line somewhere that nobody’s telling me. It would help me if I knew why it was free. And, don’t tell me you’re just doing a nice thing for me, because nothing else being done by our government right now is nice for me.

Vaccine Risks

Know your risks like a woman on a trapeze

If you want someone to agree to a vaccine, it helps if you tell them the risks of the vaccine. I haven’t heard President Biden, Dr. Fauci or the mainstream media say one word about the vaccine risks. This is usually a big indicator that you’re being sold snake oil.

Lucky for me, I read conservative news, and I’m educated about the risks. In case you didn’t know it, there have been almost 4,000 deaths attributed to the vaccine. And, more and more research is coming out every day. If you want me to do something to my own body, I want to know what I’m agreeing to.

The fact that the risks are being buried leads me to believe that someone doesn’t want me to know about them. And, I’ll never do something to my body when critical information is being withheld from me.

Door to Door

In older times, vacuum salespeople sold door to door

And now a new approach will be deployed by the Biden administration. The old “door to door salesman.” An example of an old “door to door salesman” is a vacuum salesperson. A person would ring your doorbell. When you answer the door, the salesperson introduces herself, pitches the vacuum, and asks to come in and give you a demonstration. If the salesperson gets in the door, the chances of selling a vacuum go up dramatically.

So, government cronies are going door to door to pitch the vaccine. They will ring your doorbell. Then, they will ask if you are vaccinated, which is a HIPAA violation. If you answer “no,” they will ask to come inside to give you more information. Unless you’re interested in the vaccine, do not let them in.

I highly doubt you’ll get a demonstration, but nothing would surprise me.


This unnecessary death is the exact reason that you need to get accurate data and weigh the risks before doing something to your body. When you’re told something is too good to be true, you should be hesitant. And, when you ask questions and get no acceptable answers, you should be suspicious. This is especially true when it affects your body. Would you agree to have your arm amputated because a doctor told you it’s the best idea? If you asked the doctor why she wanted to amputate your arm, and she told you because everybody else did, would you agree?

Getting a vaccine just to hit some arbitrary goal of 70% vaccinated isn’t a good enough reason. And, pressuring me to get a vaccine because everybody else did it or because it makes me a patriot aren’t good enough reasons.

The Biden administration needs a course in Marketing instead of Critical Race Theory.

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