As Of Now, I Won’t Vote For Trump

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This has been crazy. And, I have thought about this a lot. As of now, I won’t vote for Trump. And, I encourage other pro-life, pro-family voters to think it through. We so brazenly say that Kamala flip flops on her positions, but Trump has too. Unfortunately, Trump has flip flopped on life and family, and that is a much worse flip flop than building a border wall.

Update: Melania Trump was interviewed about her new memoir and she stated that she supports abortion in all cases.

The Babies

Trump has turned his back on the babies. All of a sudden, he is all in on the abortion pill and abortion in special circumstances. And, he stands tall that he helped push the decision to the states. I guess at this point he feels like he did his part. So, why not allow baby murder again to get elected. But, here is the flaw in his logic. He is going to lose a lot more voters than he’ll gain by becoming a pro-death candidate.

He is no better than the Democrats by pushing the murder of babies. It’s only a matter of time until he supports the killing of the baby after birth. Once you go down that evil, ugly trail, you can’t stop. He is selling our souls to get elected. We shouldn’t help him. He is taking our votes for granted.


Trump promised that the government will pay for in vitro fertilization

The Catholic church is opposed to in vitro fertilization (IVF). First, the church teaches that human dignity is best respected when the beautiful sexual union of a man and a woman conceives a child. Second, human life begins at conception. A human being’s DNA is created when the sperm fertilizes the egg. For the process to be effective, several human embryos are created, and the overwhelming majority is destroyed in the process.

Trump doesn’t care about this. He actually said that the government will pay for IVF treatments if he is elected. Either he is trolling for more votes or he doesn’t understand the issue. But again, he is throwing pro-life, pro-family voters under the bus. Our votes are more than their votes.

Same Sex Unions

Trump has also embraced same sex unions. And, Melania has become a spokesperson for same sex unions. For the record, Melania is a Catholic. Once again, Trump is miscalculating. I don’t think he is going to win a lot of votes from the LGBTQ+ community. But, he’s going to lose a lot of votes from the pro-family community. The Democrats own the LGBTQ+ voters.


The main argument of voters who want to vote for Trump despite his new positions is that he is better than Kamala. I felt this way too. But here’s the kicker. Does it really matter who is in power? The Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives for two years and accomplished nothing. Because of some RINOs, they cannot do anything.

Just like Trump’s first term, the Democrats will investigate him, persecute him and stand in his way on everything. He’ll accomplish very little. So, what does it matter? For me, I’ll go with my heart and not with my head. And, I hope you’ll consider this very difficult dilemma too.

As of now, I won’t vote for Trump. But, he has a couple months to right his wrong.

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