Are We Smarter Than Our Ancestors?

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I’m a history nut. I love learning about past events and accomplishments. A question struck me when I was watching a documentary about ancient structures. Are we smarter than our ancestors? Is it possible we are getting dumber than past generations instead of getting smarter? We’re supposed to get smarter with each new generation. But, I think we’re on the downside of that mountain now.


The telephone was one of the most important inventions

The wheel was invented in 3500 B.C. and the nail was invented over 2000 years ago. Between 1440 and 1450, the printing press was invented. The internal combustion engine was invented in the late 1800’s. The telephone was invented in 1876. And, the light bulb was invented in the 1800’s.

Recent inventions include the Internet and social media. But, does that stack up to the wheel? What if we didn’t have wheels? We can do without the Internet and social media. All the way back in 3500 B.C., a smart person invented a wheel. It seems so simple, but I’m sure it took a lot of thought and creativity.

Chalk one up to our ancestors.


When I think about recent structures, I think about the Hoover Dam, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and the Empire State Building. But, when I think about past structures, I think about the Pyramids of Egypt, the Sphinx, the Roman Colosseum and the Great Wall of China.

Here’s the biggest difference. Recent structures were built using heavy equipment. Past structures were built by hand. So, in the past, they had to cut the stones, carry/pull the stones, place the stones and measure everything. It’s much easier to construct with equipment than by hand.

Score another for our ancestors.


Yes. I know there is art today. But, is it anything like Leonardo da Vinci or Rembrandt? Or Vincent van Gogh? Past artists created absolute masterpieces. Is there any recent art that is like the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, the Sistine Chapel, Starry Night or The Return of the Prodigal Son?

Big win for our ancestors.


Today’s literature consists of Stephen King, Maurice Sendak and others like them. Is there a Shakespeare, Homer, Dante, Chaucer, Voltaire, Dickens or Verne? Not even close. And, I don’t know of one current author who will have a lasting impact like our ancestors.

Another point for our ancestors.


America was founded by a group of really smart men who created a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution. The documents were so well written that they are still the law of the land. Amazingly, the documents included foresight of future ideals. The words were simple, but so strong. Men like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams were authors. They created a government of the people.

Think about our recent politicians. They have done nothing for the advancement of our country. Other than President Trump and Reagan, none of them have offered a creative idea or thought about doing something important for America. They are lazy and collect paychecks.

1000 points to our ancestors.


Which one do you think is more admirable? Going to the moon aided by a thousand workers and super computers. Or, taking a small group of men into unknown territory to find the other side of a country.

Everything was mapped out for the astronauts and they knew in advance that they wouldn’t encounter any inhabitants. The danger was that something might go wrong with the space ship. It was admirable.

But, Lewis and Clark were asked to travel through completely unknown territory. They knew about Indians, but didn’t know if they would encounter them. They were actually creating a map while they traveled. In addition to Indians, they had to be concerned about animals. And, they had no contact with civilization for years. They only had each other and their crew.

This is a close one for our ancestors.


Our ancestors are just smarter than we are. They achieved amazing things. And, nothing today comes close. As I’m typing this, I’m thinking about all of the recent technological advancements. I think they’re awesome. But, I don’t think they are in the same league as the light bulb or the Pyramids. I would like to see what we can do if all of our tools were taken away. Can we do it like they did?

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