Ann Coulter Makes Me Sick

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Ann Coulter used to be a good conservative writer

I used to like Ann Coulter. I thought she was pretty insightful about political topics. Something happened to Ann over the past four or five years. All of a sudden she decided she didn’t like President Trump and she started writing articles as if she was the mainstream media. I personally think she decided to be controversial because her readership was dropping off. Ann Coulter makes me sick. She has become a hack conservative beholden to the Republican establishment. She should know better.


It’s probably unlikely that Ann will ever see this. But, if she does, I’m sure she will wear this as a badge of honor. This post is exactly what she wants. To Ann, it’s more important to stir the pot than to tell the truth. I’ll tell you this though Ann. I’m not alone. And, just ask Liz Cheney (who I’m sure is one of your heroes) what it’s like to be hated.

Head Scratching

You are certainly entitled to whatever opinion you want to have. I respect that. But, I don’t understand the vendetta against President Trump. Did he pass you over for Celebrity Apprentice? Despite the garbage you have been writing lately, I think you are a smart woman. But, I don’t understand when smart people don’t act smart. President Trump has done more for this country than any president in my lifetime. He said what he would do when campaigning, and then did everything he said he would do. Can you please tell me another president who did that?

I scratch my head when I encounter a Biden voter. Why would the person be happy with the disaster Biden has made this country? I scratch my head when I read your article saying “Trump is Done.” Do you live in the same country as me? Have you attended a Trump rally lately? There were 10,000+ people in Wilkes-Barre. That doesn’t seem like “done” to me.


As I said, you are entitled to your opinion. But, why do you try to do damage now? Did you see Biden’s hateful speech? Is that better than what Trump has ever done? Do you think that’s why Trump is done? Because Biden just demonized half of the country? Is Biden done after that spectacle? Or are you good with Biden because he doesn’t send mean tweets? Do you understand why you confuse me lately?

I think you need to reevaluate your opinions. This country is a mess. I sure hope you don’t like that. President Trump isn’t perfect. But, people love him and trust him. He’s not the only person that can straighten out this mess, but he is at the top of the list. Why don’t you realize that? Go to a rally and actually learn more about Trump and the people in attendance. These people are the heart and soul of America. Get to know them and then write about what you learn.


If only high profile writers like Ann spent more time talking to people to learn more about who they are and what they care about. It’s so easy to sit in your ivory tower and form opinions based on just your own ideas without any research. Conservatives like you Ann. Or, they did like you. Share some opinions about what is really happening. There are a lot of positive stories out there.

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