Americans Need Help Now

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If you care about the future of our country and our children and grandchildren, then PLEASE read this. If you are a Republican, moderate Democrat or non-Sanders Independent, then PLEASE read this. Ronna McDaniel and the Republican National Committee, PLEASE read this. President Trump, PLEASE read this. Conservative media, PLEASE read this. Forget about the 2022 midterms for a little while. Americans need help now!

The Polls Don’t Matter

Biden's poll numbers are tanking, so he's going to divide America based on coronavirus

Biden is in the tank. Kamala is in the tank. The Republicans will win a majority in the House and Senate in 2022 by a landslide. President Trump will beat Biden in a landslide in 2024. President Trump will beat Kamala in 2024. Democrat congressional approval is near a record low. And, on and on.

Have any of the Democrats shown concern about these polls? No, they simply continue their destructive policies as if the polls are meaningless. And, that’s because they know they don’t matter. I can say with 150% certainty that the Democrat 2022 steal plan is already in motion.

The Republicans better find out the plan and start taking pre-emptive measures. The low lying fruit is the Afghan refugees and the illegals crossing the border. Those people cannot be permitted to vote if they are not citizens. And, the Republicans better start on that now.

The Next Coronavirus

Development of a deadly bird flu virus is underway

I have already started reading about some bird flu that is being manufactured. I can guarantee you that if it’s not this bird flu, then there is some other virus in the works. If it works once, then it will work again. Republican Congress members need to have weekly oversight into the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Dr. Fauci. They need to subpoena all documents pertaining to any interaction they have with laboratories.

The Republicans need to find a way to infiltrate these labs. If the deep state refuses to help, then hire private investigators. Use all of your resources to put spies in foreign labs to get information. If this is illegal, then find another way to find out what’s going on. But remember that creating a new virus to unleash on the world is the definition of illegal and evil. And, it will allow another stolen election for sure.

The Deep Congress

We now have a deep Congress that is already working against President Trump and silencing conservative voices by acting against our wishes. It’s very clear that the motivation of some, especially in leadership, are all in on getting Biden re-elected. Or should I say, they’re all in on not getting President Trump re-elected.

Mitch McConnell

What’s my proof? Despite the wishes of Republican voters everywhere, Mitch McConnell is cutting deals with the Democrats that we don’t want. I think Kevin McCarthy is AWOL. Then, the good ole’ boy network, including Lindsey Graham, go against the Republican voters and vote yes on Biden’s infrastructure bill that contains 10% of infrastructure.

It’s no longer about reading these bills and voting on what’s in it based on the feelings of your constituents and what is right. Now, it’s about voting for your old buddy to help his disastrous agenda out. Biden probably doesn’t even say thank you to them before he moves on to his next policy to bring harm on his buddy’s Republican constituents.

We can’t wait until 2022. The current Republican leadership needs to be replaced immediately. We need leadership that will unite the party behind the best interests of the people being represented. We need leadership that understands the Republican voters. And, we need leadership that doesn’t make stupid decisions for revenge. We also don’t need leadership who are more concerned about money than people. And, we need leadership that knows how to fight when we need to fight.

This is very serious. Some of our current Congressional leaders are likely compromised. If we don’t replace them now, America will never be the same.

Fear and Bravery

There has been more fear in the last eighteen months than I’ve seen in my entire lifetime leading up to that. Smart conservatives who I respect have been wearing a mask and continue to wear a mask despite the fact that masks don’t work. They have fallen into the spell of compliance desired by the Democrats.

I have seen small babies with masks on

But, that is the “root cause” of everything that is happening now. Once they knew you would comply with wearing a mask for no reason, they knew you would comply with a vaccine mandate. And, they knew you would comply with allowing your church to be closed. They knew you would comply with vaccine passports. I don’t think they expected people not to care about other people losing their jobs, but that was a bonus for them. Once you comply with the first thing, they will continue to use that power to take away more and more things.

Conservatives, including all of our Congress members, need to be brave in the face of fear. I know it’s hard, but we need to stick together and take a stand against the power we have forfeited to them. That means continuing to stand up to the school boards with no regard to their FBI threats. It means taking off those masks. It means standing up for a person’s right to choose what is injected into her body. And it means exercising your right to free speech and not allowing the Democrats to force you to say something you don’t want to.

The best way to fight a tyrant is through disobedience and bravery. We all have to have each other’s backs.

Election Audits

The election audits are the best way for us to determine how the 2020 elections were stolen by the Democrats. The Arizona audit found many instances of fraud. Mike Lindell presented significant evidence of fraud in every state at his Cyber Symposium. We can’t allow the time and money spent so far to go to waste. Despite the censorship of the audits by the mainstream media, we need to keep this in the news and we need to do whatever we can to support them.

If we figure out what happened in the election, we can stop it from happening again. If we don’t, then we get to enjoy the life we have now forever.

But We Can’t

I actually heard this come out of a Republican Congress member’s mouth. He said, “But there’s nothing we can do because we don’t have the power.” I believe it was in regard to Traitor Milley’s heinous undermining of President Trump. We can’t fight evil with this kind of wishy washy attitude. If you don’t have the power, then get the power. Or tie these people up in Congressional hearings so they can’t do further damage. If McConnell gives away the power you do have, then replace him.

The Senate is almost evenly split. Put a stop to everything Biden wants to do. Kill his agenda and destroy all of their socialist dreams. Put an end to everything he is doing to harm your constituents. We need you to fight!

The Nuclear Option

I know that conservatives are mostly fair and honest. That’s exactly why the Democrats take advantage of us. If we can’t get it done with our RNC and Congress members, then maybe we should consider cheating in the 2022 midterm election ourselves. I hate even suggesting this because it goes against everything that I am. But, sometimes it takes extraordinary measures to defeat evil.


There have been critical times in our country’s history where brave men and women put their reputations and lives on the line to preserve our freedoms, our liberties and our country. This is one of those times. I’m calling on our Congressional leaders to put the people above your money, interests and political revenge agenda. Your actions are not hurting the people you don’t like, they’re hurting the people you represent. This is the time when heroes are made, and you should all want to be heroes.

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