Alarm! Alarm! The Fix is In!

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Alarm! Alarm! The fix is in! In the past two weeks, I have read no less than two news stories where Biden says that another pandemic is coming. And then, I came across this news story in The Federalist about how sneaky Joe is hiding his plan to rig the 2022 midterm elections. You know what this means. Where the heck are the Republicans? Sleeping?


election fraud

Biden has a hidden plan for a federal takeover of election administration. He’s sitting on his “golden egg” and not sharing the details. But, he wants to make sure the Democrats stay in power in Washington forever. People know about this secret, but I haven’t read a word about the Republicans getting in front of it. If the Republicans don’t care, then it’s over. I don’t understand them. Maybe they really don’t care. Or maybe they are dumb. Or maybe they are too busy working with the Democrats to send $40 billion of our hard-earned dollars to Ukraine.

2000 Mules

I’m sure those 2000 mules are getting ready for the midterms. Now they know how to avoid the cameras and to leave their cell phones at home. So, the Republicans need to man those drop boxes personally. It’s terrible duty, but our country is worth it. We cannot allow ballot stuffing.

Mail Voting

I’m convinced this is a big reason the Democrats were able to cheat to victory in the 2020 presidential election. My cousin received two ballots in the mail in 2020. He returned one of the ballots to the county. If he got two ballots, how many other people got two or more ballots? And, was their a pattern of people receiving multiple ballots? Was it ten democrats to one republican?

New Pandemic

No surprise here. A pandemic allowed the Democrats to cheat to victory in 2020. Little hints are being dropped that another pandemic will be here soon. Conveniently in the fall. As the Democrats say, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Something tells me this won’t have the impact on voting as last time.


Every Republican, conservative and Independent need to keep their eyes open in the upcoming election. The alarm has rung, and we know the cheating is in motion. We can’t allow the 2020 election to happen again.

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