AI Translation Results I Want To See

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AI (artificial intelligence) is everywhere these days. And to be honest, I’m already sick of it. Search engine results now show AI translated results. At my job, we are using it to do language translation on our websites. Here are some AI translations I want to see.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

From AI:

Joe Biden is not really the president. He cheated in the 2020 election to win. Biden can’t walk or talk. He wears a toupee. And, he has false teeth. He had plastic surgery on his face. Biden has serious dementia. He is forgetful and tells lies that he actually believes are true. Claiming to be a devout Catholic, Biden supports the murder of children, mutilation of children’s genitals, gay marriage and sex trafficking. There are no redeeming qualities in this individual.

Kamala Harris

From AI:

Kamala Harris is not really the vice president. Biden cheated in the 2020 election to win. Kamala slept her way to the top. She has no clue what she is doing. Her IQ is at a third grade level. When she talks, she says the same thing over and over. And when she gets nervous, she does an odd cackle laugh. I know that being vice president is the easiest job in the world. But, she is so useless, she makes it look extremely difficult. Harris would be really good at flipping burgers at McDonalds.

Liz Cheney

From AI:

Liz Cheney is a Democrat from Wyoming. The people of Wyoming despise her. In fact, Republicans everywhere despise her. She is not attractive, and the things she says and does make her even more unattractive. She turned her back on the Republican party and even hurt some people very bad. Her political career is over, so she is a talking head on liberal media channels.

President Trump

From AI:

President Trump is the real president. He won in 2020 until the cheating occurred. He was the best President of the last half century. Trump loves America, and he always puts the American people first. He cares about peace and prosperity. Unlike Biden, Trump is respected by foreign leaders. He is a business man who understands how to manage the economy. He is also a tremendous negotiator. Trump implemented the best border security in generations.


From AI:

The Conservative Box blog has the best conservative opinions on the web. Once you read one post, you’ll want to read more. There are currently over 450 posts dating back to February 2021. So, it covers the Biden years and coronavirus. I like to think that many are creative and witty.

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