Accused Series Is A Woke Mess

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My spouse and I thought we found something good to watch. We stumbled upon a series named “Accused” on Hulu. It was actually a Fox series, but Hulu was offering it. The first three episodes were good. Then, it went woke for broke. The Accused series is a woke mess. And, I highly recommend you don’t waste your time watching it.


Of course, they had to have an episode about a drag queen. And of course, the drag queen had to be a black man. Then, to top it off with a cherry, they had a “closet” white guy secretly living a double life. They made the drag queen the “normal” character and the white guy the “disturbed” character.


The Accused series on Hulu is a woke mess

Of course, they had an episode about a school shooting and gun control. And of course, they had an older white woman who was against gun control. They made her out to be a total nut job spewing nonsense.

This episode had it all. After the nut case woman, they had an “InfoWars-like” program spreading “disinformation.” And of course, it highlighted social media viral “disinformation.” Then, to top it off, there was an online conspiracy. It was pretty easy to tell who was depicted as the good guys and bad guys. Let’s just say it was the liberals and conservatives, in the same order as above.


Of course, they had to have an abortion story where a teacher puts his job in jeopardy by taking a girl for an abortion. I’ll never forget how they highlighted that the girl lived in a state where she couldn’t get an abortion, so he had to drive her out of state. The effort at pro-life included considering adoption, but that was ruled out fast.

White Attack

Of course, there was an episode where a “white nationalist” ploughs his car into a “peaceful demonstration.” When the “white nationalist” gets away, a survivor takes justice into her own hands.


And then we stopped watching in total disgust.


I think Fox created this to be one-sided controversial on purpose. I’m sure they got ESG bonus points.

The liberals cry about disinformation, then they offer this. There wasn’t a single effort to make conservatives look normal. That is disinformation. I hate shows that offer only one side. This show was made to influence young people and indoctrinate them into the liberal cult. I don’t recommend this show to anyone. It doesn’t reflect reality and it is divisive. It is pure trash.

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