A More Perfect Constitution

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A More Perfect Constitution

Published date April 9, 2021

Last modified date April 9, 2021

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I love history. I watch movies about history and read books about history. When I watch and read, I always think the same thing. I was born in the wrong era. Our country’s history is full of patriotism, bravery and sacrifice. It stands in stark contrast to what is happening to our country right now. The liberals are trying to cancel our country’s history and it’s historical icons. And, it saddens my heart. If I was involved in writing our Constitution, here are the proposals I would have made for a more perfect Constitution.

Super Smart Men

The men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were smart and brave. They are called our Founding Fathers, because they founded our country’s principles and laws. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written with such foresight and thought that both have stood the test of time. They thought of and documented every possible scenario that could happen back then and in the future. Super smart men like Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and John Adams created the foundation for the greatest country on Earth.

Term Limits

If I had the opportunity to participate in the creation of our Constitution, I would have suggested a minimum age of 35 to be in Congress. This would prevent fools like Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAMP, also known as AOC, from misrepresenting the American people.

And, I would have recommended term limits for people in Congress. Just like the Presidency, two terms should be enough. This would prevent dinosaurs like Nancy PelosiAMP, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein and Maxine Waters from stumbling and bumbling through policy decisions that directly impact me and my fellow Americans.

Also, I would have suggested imposing term limits on the members of the Supreme Court. Two four year terms and you’re out. And, I would eliminate the Presidential appointment process so members would instead be voted in by the people. I would also roll the Chief Justice position every 8 years by vote of the people.

House of Representatives Limits

I would suggest limiting the power of the House of Representatives. Any proposed change to our great Constitution in the House of Representatives should require a majority vote of the states in Congress. In other words, each state gets one vote rather than each representative getting one vote. We can’t allow representatives who could care less about the people and our country to make decisions in a vacuum. Yes, the American people elected them. But, AOC should not be making policy decisions that affect me in Pennsylvania.

I would revise the impeachment process so it cannot be used as a weapon. As before, the vote should be state by state in the House rather than representative by representative. The vote could also be by the people in a special election. The party in power in the House should not have the ability to impeach a President or any other government official without the consent of the people.

First Amendment

My suggestion would have been to make it illegal to censor free speech in any way. Every American has the right to say what they want anytime, anywhere. Any attempt to prohibit free speech should be punishable. Today, free speech needs to protected more than ever.


Except for the Bible, our Constitution is probably the greatest document ever written. However, with a few additions that I suggested as part of the Founding Father team, it can be a more perfect Constitution. Those additions might have made a significant difference in our country today. Maybe, we wouldn’t be in the situation we find ourselves. Term limits, power limits and free speech enable fresh ideas and keep government bureaucracy in check. I can only imagine how my proposed additions to the Constitution might have affected our country. But, it’s not too late.

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