A Moment for Positive Reflection

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I want to take a moment for positive reflection. Things are going to get better. We have a complete mess on our hands right now. But, we’ll chip away at it and get things back to normal (or at least close to normal).


I don’t care that Durham lost the trial against Hillary campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. With that jury, he didn’t stand a chance. But score a major win for him by exposing Hillary as a conniving politician who created the entire Russia collusion hoax. President Trump deserves to be angry, and I’m sure he’ll take appropriate actions.


Coronavirus is over, at least for most people. The sick elites are trying to scare people about monkeypox, but very few people are buying it. The vaccines failed, and it is being proven that they were harmful. So, the pharmaceutical companies are being exposed.

I believe the majority of people will never submit to masks, social distancing and lockdowns in the future. The feeble attempt to cede our sovereignty to the corrupt WHO failed. And, expect more and more to come out in the next couple of years.


President Trump

President Trump is 100-6 on his endorsements. That means that we are getting MAGA candidates and getting rid of RINOs. The record would be even better, but Democrats are voting in the Republican primaries to block his candidates. Surprise, surprise!

It doesn’t matter though. That’s the dumbest strategy I ever heard of. Let’s vote in someone who can potentially beat our Democrat just to hurt Trump.

More dominoes are going to fall. Just ask Liz Cheney. She better stir up her Democratic base in Wyoming because she was down 30 points last I checked.

Rand Paul

Is there anybody else in the Senate who so consistently represents rational thoughts and we Americans?

Common Sense

Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and Bill Maher are making common sense observations about the state of America and the Democrat lunacy. I believe more people will join them.

2000 Mules

The liberals can attack it all they want. This spectacular documentary proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 2020 elections were tainted. I can’t wait until they drop the data. Some heads are going to explode. The election fraud is going to come out just like everything else comes out eventually.


Salvatore Cordileone, the Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, sent Nancy Pelosi a letter stating that she cannot receive Holy Communion because of her abortion support. Finally, a church leader had the courage to do this. Of course, the corrupt Pope bypassed the Archbishop for a promotion just days afterwards.


American moms are fighting for their children in schools so that parents make decisions about their children’s education. They’re exposing the liberal school boards, the negligent administrators and the wacko teachers. And, they are winning. Just look at the rebellion in Virginia.


Thanks to people like Robert Kennedy, Jr. and others, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and big pharma have been exposed for the frauds they all are. And, thanks to Michael Matt of Remnant TV, Steve Bannon and Glenn Beck, the Great Reset has been exposed to the world. Now, everybody is well aware of the evil of Klaus Schwab and his band of idiots. It’s no secret anymore, and pretty much nobody is buying what you’re selling.


There is plenty more. And, there is plenty more work to be done. But, battles are being won. And, a war is won by winning battles.

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