A Kamala History Lesson

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Now that the Democrat apparatus forced Kamala on the country without a single vote, let’s have a Kamala history lesson. There will be a short quiz at the end.


Kamala was right there when we were forced to wear a mask. And, she supported locking us down in our homes. She also supported closing churches and leaving strip clubs open. And, Kamala was right by Joe’s side when they mandated the experimental death jab which has killed millions of Americans. Of course, Kamala also worked with Biden to discriminate against unvaccinated people and treat them like lepers.


If Kamala truly wants to secure the border now (a lie), then why did she drink her wine while over ten million illegal aliens entered our country on her watch?


Kamala was by Biden’s side when he promised to unify the country in his inaugural address. She was also by his side when he called half of the country terrorists in front of a Satanic backdrop and two armed soldiers.


Kamala was a very vocal advocate for Bidenomics. While we paid more for groceries and gas, she was on the road telling everyone Bidenomics was working. She is completely out of touch with the American people.

Justice Kavanaugh

Kamala was the nastiest Senator during the confirmation hearing for Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The hearing was a sham to begin with, but Kamala took the cake by confronting Kavanaugh with lies and misinformation. Of course, Kamala would go on to decry misinformation from anyone else but her.

Willie Brown

Willie Brown's affair with Kamala jump started her political career

The mainstream media will never cover this. Kamala had a ten year relationship with Willie Brown. He was a political boss in San Francisco. And, he was married. And, he was 31 years older than her. None of that mattered to mistress Kamala. Willie helped Kamala get ahead in San Francisco and California politics. The price of success didn’t matter to Kamala. Or Willie, for that matter.


Kamala didn’t do which one of the following.

  • Flip flop on every liberal position she stands for to win the election
  • Build a border wall at the southern border
  • Use different voice accents to pretend to be someone she isn’t

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