A Free Lefty Vasectomy

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The Democrats are getting a lefty vasectomy!

If you didn’t hear, the Democrats are offering free vasectomies at the Democratic National Convention. At first, I was appalled. But, after thinking about it, I decided it is one of the best ideas ever. A free lefty vasectomy! Why didn’t we come up with this years ago?


The democrats should mandate that every democrat male get a vasectomy. They all went and got the death jab when they were told to. No more lefty babies. And, no more need for so many abortions. Darn it. I wish this started years ago. This is the Republicans answer to the illegal alien invasion. They can replace the loss of future voters with their illegal alien friends. That is Great Replacement at it’s finest.


Since the Democrats love abortion so much, maybe they can have free abortions of Democrat children below the age of thirteen. This has the secondary benefit of fighting climate change by reducing the population. And, again, these future voters will be replaced by illegal aliens.


I’m willing to step in and help out the Democrats. I’ll set up a stand in my yard by the road to offer free vasectomies to Democrats. And, I’ll pay for everything. Why stop it after the convention? I’ll even offer the procedure to girls who think their boys. See how woke I am. In case you’re planning a visit, there are no returns or exchanges.

Gender Bender

As a secondary service at my stand, I’ll offer free gender bender procedures. Boys can become girls. Girls can become boys. Boys who became girls can become boys again. Girls who became boys can become girls again. I’ll have a full menu of services. In fact, if a boy wants to become Michelle Obama, I’ll make it happen. Of course, I’ll have a psychologist available for free since this is a mental condition.

Dunk Tanks

There will be even more fun to be had. Behind my stand, I’ll have two dunk tanks. The first one will be “Dunk a Jew” and the second one will be “Dunk a Catholic.” While you are waiting for your procedure of choice, you can try your hand at the dunk tank. Of course, free of charge. If you dunk the person three times, you get a free autographed “Timmy Tampon.” But, only if you are a boy. Girls get a free “Heels Up” t-shirt so they can aspire to be president someday.


Oh my gosh! I could go on and on. This is the silliness of the current Democrat party. I know smart democrats who think this is all great. And, they say Trump supporters are a cult. Look in the mirror. The Democrats are a Satanic cult. I can only imagine what they will come up with next. I would laugh if I could stop crying.

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