A Different Great Reset

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Maybe it’s time for a different Great Reset. When your computer starts acting funky, the first thing you do is hit Control-Alt-Delete. And, that usually fixes it. Maybe we need to hit Control-Alt-Delete in America. We need to go back about 240 years to colonial times and start again.


Why would we do that considering all of the advances of our current society? Because the advances are turning out to be evil. And, these advances are destroying our society as we know it. Our society is complex and vulnerable to evil forces. And, our society is divisive and unfriendly. Unfortunately, the evil ones use this as a way of controlling people and retaining power.


Our nation was built on God and religion. God is referred to in all of our founding documents. We desperately need to get back to God. When God is the foundation of society, the society flourishes. But, when God is taken out of a society, you end up with lawlessness and hatred.

God is a moral compass that guides people to do good. It brings people together rather than tearing them apart. It preserves the dignity of life and fosters love instead of hate. When God is present, a society works together for the greater good.


Social media is one of the worst things to happen in the United States

Advances in our current society breed arrogance. We need to get back to a society of humility. Simple jobs like farming, embroidery, sewing, iron working and carpentry were humble professions that didn’t lead to big company takeovers.

Wealth was a result of hard work and fortitude. It was not the result of doing nothing and cheating people out of their money. People were not trying to take advantage of each other for financial gain. They were working together toward a common goal of helping each other for the greater good.


Politicians were not all good. But, for the most part, they were common folks. They didn’t sit in the House or Senate collecting a paycheck. They actually represented their constituents and tried to help them. Our founding fathers never intended to have a government where everybody voted on party lines. They wanted a government where representatives voted based on their constituent’s desires. That is where they actually represented the people.


Without question, money is the root of all evil. And, I’m certain that evil existed in colonial times. But, the colonists didn’t make every decision based on how much money they could take from others. They worked hard to obtain fair pay. And, they didn’t have to look over their shoulders for the government to take all of their money. There were no institutions like Black Rock buying up their houses and farms in an effort to harm them.

Sex and Gender

I’m sure their were gay people in our country’s early times. But, they kept to themselves. They didn’t hold parades in the small towns dancing naked in the streets. There was no such thing as drag queens and transsexualism. I’m sure there might have been people that dressed as the opposite sex. But, they kept to themselves. My point here is to do what you want, but keep it to yourself. That’s what I practice.

Changes Needed

Of course, some changes are needed. First, there would be no slavery and everybody would be equal. This is probably the biggest flaw in our country’s colonial times. The second change is that the American Indians would be left alone to live where they want to. They would be equal partners with all other people.


Control-Alt-Delete. That would solve a lot of our problems. Our society is too complex. We need to simplify and start again. And, we have the benefit of knowing what we know now. So, we know the pitfalls to look out for. This is a different Great Reset that is desperately needed. Forget the nasty and evil Great Reset of the World Economic Forum and let’s save our country.

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