A Conservative Majority Means Nothing

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If you keep up with conservative news, you’ll quickly learn that a conservative majority means nothing. The conservative-led House of Representatives is coming up on the end of year one, and they have not been able to do anything. And, conservatives maintain a majority in the Supreme Court, but they haven’t delivered many wins either.

House of Representatives

Despite the level of Democrat cheating in the 2022 midterm election, the Republicans managed to win the majority. Using the power of the majority, the Republicans have done nothing. They came in telling us they would do all of these big things. Has Biden been impeached? Were the January 6th videos released? Was Mayorkas impeached? Have they done anything to stop illegal immigration? Has the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation been held accountable for rigging the 2020 presidential election by censoring people? Are the January 6th political prisoners out of jail? Has Dr. Fauci been held accountable for killing a million Americans?

If you answered no to all of those questions, then you are correct. The Republicans won the majority in the House. And, they have nothing to show for it. We got duped again. To me, there is nothing worse than somebody lying to my face. They are cowards. And, they are terrified of the Democrats.

Supreme Court

They reached to get the jab

Conservatives hold a majority in the Supreme Court also. The results are not good. They overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision. The result of that decision is that there is mayhem at the state level now. It’s actually worse. They decline most of the important conservative cases. And, they refused to take cases having to do with election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. They ruled against healthcare workers who sued their employer for firing them because they wouldn’t get the “death jab.”

Even worse, the Supreme Court has just not done much of anything. Maybe Chief Justice Roberts is waiting for the next flight to Epstein Island.


When it comes to conservatives, a majority means nothing. They either do nothing or they undermine each other. It’s really quite pitiful. Just imagine if we were at war and the congressional conservatives had to fight for our country. We would lose the country because they would be cowering in fear and fighting with each other. They are some of the weakest and ignorant people I know. And, I wonder if they will ever win the majority again. I hate to say it, but they don’t deserve it.

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